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We Laughed, We Cried.

Updated: Jan 29, 2021

So, usually, I'm all for "do what you say you are going to do". In fact, I get quite annoyed when people consistently don't do what they say they are going to do. With that in mind, let's go over what we had planned to do this past week and find out if we actually did it!

Per last week's blog we were going to:

1) Tour the Grand Ole Opry. So, did we? Nope.

2) Get Eric some hot chicken. So, did we? Another Nope.

3) Check out some more distilleries. And, did we? If you said nope, you guessed correctly! To be fair, we did visit a brewery so maybe we can get half credit here? No? Ok fine, be a stickler then.

4) Take an amazing selfie in a balloon basket! Ok, this wasn't on the list but we did it!!

So what else did we do last week you ask?

Last Week

We Drank

One of our stops this week was to The Pearl Diver, a cool little tiki dive bar. There are light snacks and tons of drinks and the decor is pretty cool also. I recommend the 'Tijuana Fries', which is basically fries with taco toppings. I just tried to get Eric to go get me more; he declined. I'd also highly recommend 'The White Lady' as a drink option (not pictured) which is yuzu based, and its deliciousness makes it very dangerous!

ANNNND, we went back to The Fox. And we will go again and again and again! This time we got some snackies also and it did NOT disappoint. They have so many non-meat-eater options which always makes me so happy. If you go, try the 'Hot Chicken Hummus' (no meat!), the 'Miso Deviled Eggs' (NOM), and the Charcuterie with the vegan meats! (They also serve non-vegan meat). I can't wait to go back. Hey! Don't judge, it's amazing!

We also stopped at the Bearded Iris Brewery. This is one of the first beers Eric had when we got to Nashville, and he loved it. He bought a couple more at the package store (liquor store for those that didn't grow up in the tri-state area) and loved those too. Do yourself a favor and go look for it. If you can't find it request it from wherever you buy your beer. Support a local business; try something new; nothing to lose! you will enjoy it! I have to take Eric's word for it (non-beer drinker here) but he loved every one he tried. I mean the direct quote I just got is "All the beers I've tried at the Bearded Iris are so good. It's in the top two of any brewery I've ever been to. Maybe even the best." Think they should hire him as a spokesman? Need a recommendation you say? Always happy to help a friend. 'Tunnel Vision' is his favorite with 'Roadmap' as a close second.

We Ate

Kayne Prime Steakhouse was the expensive restaurant of the week. Eric and Mike got meat while Hannah and I stuck with seafood, or sides really if you want me to be honest. The best sides were the mac and cheese, Brussels sprouts, potatoes gratin, and the roasted root veggies. Eric and Mike split two steaks an A5 wagyu that they cooked on a salt stone at the table and a wagyu NY strip. They loved it. I got salmon and Hannah got scallops. Look it's a steakhouse, the fish wasn't the best I've ever had but it was very good. The restaurant was huge and each room was decorated differently. If you are a steak eater, you want to check this place. And if you don't eat meat, you should still go with your steak eater friends and eat all the sides!!!

Two other great places we had takeout at this week were Five Points Pizza and Rosepepper Cantina. Five Points is, you guessed it, a pizza place. It's not NY pizza but it's pretty damn close. I have been told by many that it's the best pizza place in Nashville, and I certainly can't argue with that! Rosepepper Cantina serves delicious Mexican food. I've been missing my tacos so this really hit the spot. Try the portobello fajitas and grab a to-go margarita while you're at it!

We Sang

We drove by downtown Nashville on the way to get our groceries on Sunday and since it seemed much less crowded, we decided to walk down Broadway and listen to some music. I can't wait to come back to Nashville when it's safe to be partying in bars again! So many different bars with different floors of live music. Heaven. I don't know a lot about country music but it sounded amazing. We even heard some 80s and 90s music with a fun twang. We couldn't help but dance down the street.

We Cried

Well, the dogs did, at the vet. Both Cody and Emma are having some arthritis issues. Emma's aren't new but Cody's are. Took a trip to an amazing vet, and the pups are now on muscle relaxers and need to take it easy for a bit. How is Jazzy you ask? She is as hoppy as ever; doing 360s on the steep stairs while we carry the other two up and down them. Endless energy!

We Snuggled

Saturday was a stay at home do nothing day and, let me tell you, was it amazing. We were so happy to be able to relax and catch up on sleep. This vacation rental has been treating us so well so far and they just got some fresh new photos. Check it out! This really is the perfect house for a bachelorette party.

This Week

I'm going to leave it as a surprise. Whatever it is, you are going to want to come back to find out! Feel free to send more ideas our way! Really appreciate the ones we have gotten so far.

Until next week then; stay safe!


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