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World's Longest Drive

Going to be a short one this week folks! Pretty boring week for us, but all in the name of COVID safety so totally worth it. I was going to do a Tips for Trips style post this week but decided you would want more details. So, here we are.

Last Week

Breaking News: World's Laziest People Hang Around the House All Week

We got back from New Orleans and drove straight to Tempe, Arizona where we spent the week quarantining at an amazing guest house until we could be sure we were COVID free.

Amazing is not even a strong enough word. Seriously, I'm not even joking. This guest house was amazing. And, when we walked in there was wine for us and treats for the pups, which they, of course, loved. The suite had everything we needed, it was super clean and our hosts were amazing. I mean, the 5.0 rating on Airbnb kind of makes you have high expectations and we were still impressed. The best part of it all? The outside space. The guest house itself had a completely private fenced-in yard where the dogs could roam. We also had access to the pool for the main house. It was too cold outside for us to want to swim but once the weather is warmer we will def go back to take advantage! The pool was Love Island style, complete with a fire pit and wrap around seats. Here is a link to the listing if anyone will be in Tempe. You can thank me when you are lounging in the incredible pool or hanging out with some wine by the fire pit in your private backyard.

We did do a little sightseeing by car in Tempe. It really reminded us of the look and feel of some of the areas around San Diego. Overall we really liked the little we saw of it but MAN is it dry there!

Breaking News: World's Craziest People Do 24 Hour Drive in 3 Days with 3 Dogs

Yep, you heard that right. There are so many amazing states between Arizona and Nashville but at the time we started to book our trip, we didn't have four-wheel drive and were concerned about the snow situation. We also are anxious to get closer to our families faster since we haven't seen them in over a year. So, we decided a 24-hour drive in 3 days wouldn't be a big deal, and we could just bribe the dogs with snacks. Right?

To give you an idea of how long this drive actually was, these are all of the welcome signs we passed on our way. Photos courtesy of Eric!

Notice anything about the last one! DOUBLE WHAMMY! Welcome sign on a bridge! Boom!

We drove 6 hours on Friday, staying over in Alburquerque, 13 hours on Saturday staying in Little Rock, and then the last 6 hours on Sunday getting to our rental in Nashville! The dogs did incredibly well. At this point, I think they have just learned to lean into their crazy parent's car trips. We stopped every 3-4 hours or so, so they could stretch their legs, and we made sure they could pee in every state they stopped in. In case you are wondering, yes that is important to them. They told me. Also, in my head, they are keeping track. A scratch-off pee-map for dogs perhaps?

Did I tell you how much Cody LOVES pictures yet? I think this pic pretty much proves my point.

We saw some pretty cool landscape on the drive. Can you believe we took the below shot from a car moving 80 mph? New Mexico! Looks like a picture even in real life.

We also just happened to drive by this amazingness in Texas when we just happened to pull off an exit to get gas. It's called the VW Slug Bug Ranch and I love everything about it. Trying out a new feature. Click through the super long, 2 picture slide show! I think this is just the coolest.

We also passed THE MOST AMAZING GHOST TOWN EVER EVER EVER!!! Right off the freeway. Admittedly, I don't have a lot of experience seeing ghost towns but I hope to change that on this trip. Eric was sleeping at the time and I didn't want to wake him up but looking at these pictures now? I really wish I had. Check it out here. Go there, get pics, send them to me. Thanks. Oh and videos, lots of videos.

Next Week

The house we are in is in East Nashville which is supposed to be a pretty cool neighborhood. It's entirely too big for just us but has a great outside area for the dogs. We plan to take a private cocktail mixing class this week at a cool little bar and bring the dogs on some fun, but cold hikes. It's COLD COLD COLD here right now. In the 30s. I'm def missing LA weather but excited to spend some nights curled up on the couch with tea!

Until next week; stay safe my friends!

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